Tables and graphs > Percentages


The French pour cent means per hundred, so 1 percent is 1 per 100.
That becomes 1 100 part of the total. In writing: 1% = 1 100 = 0.01 .
And 12% of 500 is the 12 100 part of 500. That is 0.12 × 500 = 60 .

  • What percentage is 24 of 60?
    Answer: 24 60 0.369 = 36.9 %.

  • The number 24 increases to 27 , by how many percent is that?
    Answer: 27 - 24 24 = 0.125 = 12.5 %.

  • The number 24 increases with 6 %, how much will it become?
    Answer: 24 × 1.06 = 25.44 .

  • The number 24 decreases with 6 %, how much will it become?
    Answer: 24 × 0.94 = 22.56 .

  • The number 24 is 6 % of the total, how much is the total?
    Answer: 0.06 × total = 24 , so the total is 24 0.06 = 400 .

  • A number increases with 6 % to 60 , what is the number?
    Answer: number × 1.06 = 60 , so the number is 60 1.06 56.60 .

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