Solids > Projections


Exercise 1

Here you see a truncated cube with edges of 6 cm. The points P , Q and R are the centers of the edges they are situated on.


Draw a "parallel" projection of this truncated cube with an angle of 30 ° and a scaling factor of 0,5 .


Make a life-size drawing of ΔPQR at full scale.


The diagonal surface D B Q S H is a pentagon. Make a life-size drawing of this diagonal surface of the truncated cube.

Exercise 2

Given is a regular pyramid T . A B C D with the square A B C D as the base. The edges of A B C D are 6 cm and the height T S of the pyramid is 10 cm. S is the intersection point of A C and B D .


Draw a "parallel" projection of this pyramid on a grid.


Divide all edges into three equal parts. Explain what you do.


Connect the points in the base so that you get an octagon.


Is this octagon the base of a regular octagonal pyramid? Explain.

Exercise 3

When you connect the centers of the sides of a cube, you get an octahedron (regular eightsided polyhedron) A B C D E F . In this octahedron A C = B D = E F = 8 cm.


Draw a parallel projection of this octahedron.


What shape do all sides of the octahedron have? Draw one of them full size.


What solid has vertices that are the centers of the sides of the octahedron?

Exercise 4

Here you see a so called hipped roof, a roof with a rectangular base A B C D with the roof-ridge E F situated exactly over the middle of the base. The roof itself consists of twee equilateral triangles and two symmetric trapeziums.


Draw a parallel projection of this roof in a grid with scale 1 : 100 .


The roof itself consists of two isosceles triangles and two symmetric trapeziums. Use measurements in a suitable plane to determine the height of those two isosceles triangles. give your answer in whole dm. Draw one of those triangles on a scale of 1:100.


Determine the height of the two trapeziums by measuring in a suitable figure. Give the height in whole dm and draw one trapezium with scale 1:100.

Exercise 5

Beside you see a photo of the building "Willemswerf" in Rotterdam and below you see a view from above of a very simplified version of the building. This strongly simplified version has a height of 80 m. The bend in the building starts 10 m above the ground.


Draw your own parallel projection of the simplified version of the building "Willemswerf" in a grid with scale 1 : 100 .


The bend in the building is trapezium shaped. Make a scaled drawing of that plane with scale 1 : 100 .

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